Main Installation Methods

Sketch Plugin: wget
Use Julia: Pkg.add("DecentralizedInternet")
Install via NPM: npm i decentralized-internet
Install via DUB: dub add decentralized-internet
Install via YARN: yarn add decentralized-internet
Install via PIP: pip install decentralized-internet
Install via APM: apm install decentralized-internet
Install via GEM: gem install decentralized-internet
Install via PNPM: pnpm install decentralized-internet
Install via CNPM: cnpm install decentralized-internet
Ember Installation: ember install decentralized-internet
Install via Spack: ./spack install decentralized-internet
Raco Installation: raco pkg install decentralized-internet
Install w/ Meteor: meteor add startup:decentralized-internet
Install via VS Code: ext install Lonero.decentralized-internet
Other Meteor Method: meteor npm install decentralized-internet
Install through Leiningen/Boot: [decentralized-internet "0.1.0"]
Install via SNAP: sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge
Install via Bower: bower install Lonero-Team/Decentralized-Internet
Docker Installation: docker pull gamer456148/decentralized-internet
Use Clojure CLI/deps.edn: decentralized-internet {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}
Use Gradle:Compile 'decentralized-internet:decentralized-internet:0.1.0'
SourceForge: git clone git://
Use wget: sudo wget -O decentralized-internet.tar.gz ""

Sysget Users
sysget install decentralized-internet
Pick either option: 4, 14, 15, 18 or 20

Using Maven

Install via Dart
Add to your pubspec.yaml file:
  decentralized_internet: ^3.4.1

Run: pub get

Install via Cordova

cordova plugin add

Or you can add via search

cordova plugin searchcordova-plugin-decentralized-internet``

Or via name instead of repo

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-decentralized-internet

Export Components
bit export decentralized-internet.lonero_decentralized-internet

Use this Module via Puppet
Add this to your Puppetfile as a declaration:
mod 'gamer456148-decentralized_internet', '5.2.1'
Next run the command:
bolt puppetfile install
Instead of the above, you can also try:
puppet module install gamer456148-decentralized_internet --version 5.2.1
This mod line is for those who use r10k or Code Manager
Learn more here

Arch Linux Installation Method
git clone
cd snapd
makepkg -si
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge

For Installing on DigitalOcean

First Step: In order to install via one click app, click the “Create Droplet Button” via the Marketplace page.

Second Step: In regards to usage, I recommend reading our SDK’s generic usage guide that is here. The same instructions apply to droplets.

Please keep in mind you can skip the `npm install`, as the node modules should already be pre-installed in the droplet but not the below configurations.

To access the program in root use `cd node_modules/decentralized-internet`. The dev files should be in `cd addon`. You can then install the below configurations in root, and proceed with the core component development.

For ease of simplicity, I recommend installing the Slap IDE over VIM or GNU Nano.
curl -sL | sh

Also keep in mind if you decide to use slap, it utilizes Node.js so make sure you have the latest version installed:

sudo npm install -g slap@latest

You can now run the Slap commands seen at their repo, for editing code files. For HaXe, I recommend you do the default PPA Ubuntu Installation:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haxe/releases -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install haxe -y
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib

Or run the Debain installation:

sudo apt-get install haxe -y
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib

The rest of the configuration instructions in regards to Debian, can be seen at the HaXe site.

After you install Slap and Haxe on the Droplet, I recommend you use Slap for editing needed code files, and the haxelib commands in the terminal in regards to HaXe code files.

This project was created in order to support a new internet. One that is more open, free, and censorship-resistant in comparison to the old internet. An internet that eventually wouldn’t need to rely on telecom towers, an outdated grid, or all these other “old school” forms of tech. We believe P2P compatibility is an important part of the future of the net. Grid Computing also plays a role in having a better means of transferring information in a speedy, more cost-efficient and reliable manner.

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For citing this software:

Kamal, A. M. decentralized-internet. npm (2020). Available at: (Accessed: 30th September 2020)