
  • Utilizing ANTLR Parsing
  • Allows for Multi-State Machinery
  • Truly built for Scientific Computing

and so much more….


Lonero CLI

The Lonero CLI is currently under construction, but once it is build should integrate all its core features.

Install via: npm install lonero-cli

Commands list:

lonero-cli decent-test [FILE]
lonero-cli dev [FILE]
lonero-cli hello [FILE]
lonero-cli help [COMMAND]
lonero-cli inquirer
lonero-cli lon [FILE]
lonero-cli lon-matrix [FILE]
lonero-cli lon-multi [FILE]
lonero-cli plugin [FILE]
lonero-cli produce [FILE]
lonero-cli stage [FILE]
lonero-cli test-compile [FILE]

Lonero IDE

The Lonero IDE is also actively being built.

Install via npm install lonero-ide

This is the official IDE for Lonero. In order to start, make sure you have Yarn installed and NVM as well as Node version 10. If cloning from the GitHub repo, make sure to install all the dependencies. You don’t need to run the npm install and yarn build command if directly installing from NPM.

Run the following:

$ nvm install 10
$ nvm use 10
$ npm install
$ yarn build
$ yarn theia start

In order to shut down, run: kill $(lsof -t -i:3000)

The default port this uses is 3000.

Syntax Charts

Quads N|Quad

Strings N|Strings

Integers: N|Integers

Comments N|Comments

Hex Digits N|Hex Digit

Characters N|Characters

Identifiers N|Identifiers

Hex Unicode N|UnicodeHex

Whitespaces: N|Whitespaces

Escape Sequences N|EscapeSeq

Floating Exponents N|FloatingExp

Octal Escape Sequences N|OctalSeq

Unicode Escpape Sequences N|UnicodeSeq